Timocco demonstrates at yet another phenomenal exhibition, Kidz South in the UK. The exhibition is one of the largest in Europe and the most extensive. Most importantly it’s free to all attendees! The convention was geared toward children with special needs, their families and the therapists that treat them.
With over 120 exhibits, Kidz South was able to provide so many possibilities. New developments in technologies, communication devices, toys, transportation, mobility, funding, research and more were all available.
All attendees were able to attend information seminars. These lectures provided a plethora of advice, some geared toward parents, addressing difficulties they may face such as sleeping problems for the child. Other seminars addressed mobility and transportation issues, and discussions were had about optimal therapy treatment for OTs, and additionally, they afford legal advice.
The convention was informative and a very exciting experience to see all of the great new technological developments.
As always, Timocco had the rewarding experience of providing a demonstration to the children at the show. The key major features of the Timocco system we emphasize are
1. The enjoy ability. Kids love to play Timocco, the pleasure we see is undoubtedly rewarding.
2. Showing each and every child that there is no limitation to playing Timocco. Regardless of the disability or motion, Timocco is completely accessible to every child, and the team shows just how this is done.
3. Demonstrations for therapists. Timocco provides therapeutic usability through tele therapy. A therapist can prescribe therapy lessons for the child, and the data is reordered on the Timocco Server. The therapists can then see the progress of the therapy, and create refined treatment plans. Sign up free for Timocco Online
Furthermore, The Timocco OT Team will provide an OT for any child if one is not available.
The Timocco team had a great time at Kidz South, we gained so much and were proud to be a part of the exhibition.

The Kidz Exhibition is not only in the South! There is Kidz Noth, Middle, even Scotland. learn more here!
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