‘Presence’ Teleoperators and Virtual Environments - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal (Summer 2012, Vol. 21, No. 3, Pages 359-371) Case Study: Using a Novel Virtual Reality Computer Game for Occupational Therapy Intervention In this case study following short-term treatment with Timocco a 5-year-old child with Developmental Coordination Disorder was found to have increased motivation to cope with motor and cognitive challenges, and encouraged the child to attempt new … [Read more...]
2 Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy – Published Research
Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy - Nov 2011 Case Study: Integrating a Virtual Game Environment - “Growing with Timocco” in a play-based treatment in Pediatric Occupational Therapy This case study of a 5-year-old child undergoing therapy in a child development center concluded that following treatment with Timocco the child showed increased motivation, improvement in coping skills and enhanced play skills in different environments and multiple contexts. Where the child had … [Read more...]
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