Fill in your details to start your free Timocco trial

Timocco Holiday Special Offer
Get 15 months for the price of 12!
What Can Timocco Do For Me?
- Motivates children to develop motor, cognitive and communication skills through play!
- Mac and PC compatible so you can play anywhere!
- Enables therapists to assign work for children to do at home while continuing to track their data and progress.
- Adaptable to meet each child’s range of motion and skill levels.
To get your 15 Months special offer fill the details below:

Purchase a 1-year Timocco license before December 25, 2015 and get 15 months of Timocco for the price of 12! A one year license includes a Timocco kit (3 colorful glove/ball controllers and a state-of-the-art webcam), 10 connected players with data tracking and free home use, access to over 50 fun, interactive games, Functional Skills Plans, and 1 hour of remote training!